Welcome to Connection Church of Heber Springs, Arkansas. We invite you to join us. We're a Small "growing" Christ Centered Church Teaching the Bible and its truths in a way You can Understand and Apply To Your Life.
- Are we the best church in Heber? Maybe not, but we're striving to be a church that is making a difference in Arkansas.
- Who is our church for? EVERYONE, We try to have something for every age. So whether you're Married, Single, just starting out or retired, never went to church, burnt out from church, or even if you've had a different faith background You're welcome here.
- How do I need to dress? CASUAL, our ministry leaders and our congregation dress casually. We realize that it's not about FASHION but about FAITH.
We invite you to be our guest any time: If you can't stand it or we just don't connect with you we won't hound you to attend somewhere that's not God's will for you.
We have several opportunities for you to get involved in the ministry of Connection Church. Whether its music, outreach, cooking or working on the AV Team we have a place for you. So come on out and give us a try we'd love to have you worship God with us.